Why awareness is so important

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” -Maya Angelou

This is one of many favorite quotes of mine, because I think it speaks volumes especially on the topic of disabilities. As as special education teacher, disability awareness and advocacy has always been a part of who I am. When we know more and are educated about subjects like disabilities, we are more understanding. We can view things differently. We can pause before we make assumptions. That’s the power of awareness—it empowers you.

Chances are you will know someone who will be impacted by a brain injury in your lifetime. At least 2.8 million people a year in the United States alone sustain a brain injury!

It is the freak accident. The sports injury. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The car crash that came out of no where. Sadly, it could be the violent fight. Regardless of how it occurs, it is life altering.

When I think of what I hope The Resilient Brain accomplishes- it is to build a more compassionate world that understands this incredibly complex and life altering injury just a little bit better— to be a resource to empower and encourage resilience. Also, to allow readers who are navigating a brain injury feel seen and understood. I hope for the caregivers reading it to their precious little humans, it helps them in those conversations as they juggle wearing the many hats they don’t think they can manage…. (note: I BELIEVE IN YOU)

It’s why the month of March is so important- Brain Injury Awareness Month!

In the month of March (but really it’s a lifelong awareness month for our family), we proudly wear the color green- the honorary color for TBI. My kids proudly have green ribbon pins on their backpacks to support their Dad. My sweet kiddos, bless their hearts, now also proudly yell at bikers and motorcyclists, “PUT A HELMET ON TO PROTECT YOUR BRAIN!” when they see someone not wearing a helmet. 🤪

Our brains are so incredibly amazing, and until I saw a loved one go through an altering experience to their brain, I took my own brain for granted. I wish everyone could see an MRI of their brain, and just how powerful and incredible it is. I’ll never lose the wonder in seeing my husband’s brain imaging on a massive screen. Being able to see the intricate folds and ripples and being able to watch all the video imaging of activity. Watching and comparing scans and seeing his brain improve. How thankful I am for advances in medical care, and how we were able to experience that level of care. It’s a privilege that I do not take for granted for one second.


With that….there would be no greater honor in having you be apart of The Resilient Brain’s mission of spreading awareness and providing education on brain injuries.

There are a few ways by doing that:

1) by preordering your exclusive, early release of The Resilient Brain through the Kickstarter

2) Share it out! By sharing this Kickstarter link, it will allow readers to get connected and hear the beautiful message of The Resilient Brain!

3) Share social media awareness posts! Be sure to follow my instagram @theresilientbrain

If you have any questions on how to spread the word, feel free to contact me!

Here’s to celebrating all the warriors this month— who put the good fight in everyday— and celebrating their loved ones who rally alongside them.

With immense gratitude on building awareness together,


