Hey there!

My name is Katianne (Katie-Anne) Olson and I am the author The Resilient Brain. I appreciate you exploring more about how The Resilient Brain came to be and a little bit about me. I call “Chicago” home (but really all suburbanites of Chicago say that). In my full-time career, I have been a Special Education teacher for the last 13 years. I think it’s every teachers dream to be a children’s book author, and I am beyond grateful to be experiencing this new venture in my life. I am a lover of ol’ bungalows, butterfly gardens, and the National Parks.

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Our Story

On May 18th, 2020, I heard the earth shattering, unexpected words, "your husband has a traumatic brain injury."

As a special education teacher, breaking down complex topics into simpler words is part of my expertise, but when explaining to my two young kids what was going on with their dad, I was desperately looking for something to help guide my conversation.  I went to what I knew best in difficult conversations like this, children's books… but I quickly learned though, that traumatic brain injuries are currently not represented in children's literature. I knew I had to change that.

And that's how the idea of The Resilient Brain started. As we embarked on the rehabilitation road, resilience was a common theme not only in our journey but one we quickly  saw throughout others navigating a TBI.  But, our family's journey is only one story.

There are an estimated 2.8 million traumatic brain injuries in the United States every year. That is at least 2.8 million stories a year on how a brain injury impacts one’s everyday life. We are so grateful to have been connected with incredible TBI warriors and their loved ones in our journey, and in turn have been able to be a part of The Resilient Brain in many different ways, all by one thing in common, a brain injury!

My deepest desire is The Resilient Brain can give someone the words they need when they feel speechless, encouragement to readers and their families to persevere through hardships, and most importantly, hope.

All About the Illustrator

Please meet Yana Kozak, the incredible mastermind behind the beautiful illustrations of The Resilient Brain. Yana was born in the most beautiful region of Ukraine - Transcarpathia, which is surrounded by beautiful mountains and lakes. Together with her husband, she is raising Sofia, their wonderful daughter. Yana has always been dreaming of becoming a great artist… Well, partially her dream had already come true- she is now an illustrator of children’s books! It is her greatest passion and she adores watching how the eyes of small children are lighting up with joy and happiness when they are seeing her books! Yana cannot imagine her life without a nice cup of coffee, books and illustrations.  To check out Yana’s incredible work, you can follow her on her Instagram @yana_kozak_illustrator